Makers Gonna Make at HASTAC 2019

a modern-looking quilt with three green hexagonal sections, joined to sections of fabric that are black with grey markings

Image: “Weaver’s Web” game clue quilt created by Anastasia Salter

The Critical Maker Faire is scheduled for two consecutive sessions on Friday morning in The Nest, Performance Theater at University of British Columbia.

  • Session 1H 9am
  • Session 2J 10:15am

Activity leaders and / or participants are welcome to attend one or both sessions as they are able.

List of participating makers and activities:

  • Kim Brillante Knight: LilyPad Arduino; academic zine-making (bring an article!); Twitterbots
  • Sarah Lozier-Laiola: I’m planning to talk about building multi-voiced, textual performances with Stepworks. I’ve been playing with this in my own work, and tried out assignments with it this semester, so can talk both pedagogy and research with it.
  • John Murray: I will be showing how to use Ink to create interactive experiences in Unity. I will share some of the practices used in creating Salt Immortal Sea, an e-lit ipad app created in collaboration with Joellyn Rock and Mark Marino and published in New River journal.
  • Anastasia Salter: Quilting (including collage, applique, and modern quilts!), playful procedural generation, and fiber arts as critical making.
  • Jacqueline Wernimont: line drawing, decomposing, crochet, weaving
  • David Worcester: I am simply asking any member of the community to bring their identity to light in a handwritten letter – anonymous or otherwise – to a personification of LGBTQ identity.

If you’d like to bring some work-in-progress or a mini-tutorial to share, let us know about it here:

NB: Unfortunately, Radhika Gajjala had to cancel her HASTAC trip, but we know she will be stitching or spinning with us in spirit. This just gives us an excuse to hold another event at some point!